Cookies are used on our web site in order to provide users with a better experience and service This document concerns cookies categories we use, their goal and how modify your preferences.


Cookies are brief fragments of text which allow the web server to memorize information on the client to reuse during the visit to the site itself (session cookie) or afterwards, even days later (persistent cookies). Depending on the user’s preferences, cookies are memorized by the individual browser on the specific device used (computer, tablet, smartphone).

We can distinguish various categories on the basis of the characteristics and use of the cookies: first-party and third-party cookie. First-party cookie was created by and belongs to the web site you visited, while third-party cookie are cookies that have been written on to your device by a web site that is different from the web site you are actually visiting.

First-party cookie

Our web site uses first-party cookie as technical cookies, which are strictly necessary for the functioning of the site; particularly it is used:

• Session cookie, necessary for the functioning of user registration and services offered in the private area. Session cookies are files which are deleted when users close their browser after ending an Internet session.

• Cookie for presence’s notification of cookie in a web site expires after 12 months.

Analytics third-party cookie

Our website uses analytics and anonymous third-party cookie, thanks to Google Analytics, provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”), which report on visitor interactions on website.

Google Analytics uses “cookie” for collecting and analyzing traffic and use of the web site for statistical purposes and in anonymous form, by means of obscuring IP address of user.
This information are collected by Google Analytics, that elaborate it in order to draft reports for the web site operators about activities in the same web sites, for instance data of most visited pages, number of visitors, browser and operating systems used. Moreover this information allows monitoring web site and improving use and performances.

This web site does not use (and it does not allow third person to use) the analytics instrument of Google to monitor or collect personal information for identification. Google can also communicate this information to third persons when imposed by law or where third persons uses this information on behalf of Google.

For more information please go to the following link:

User can disable the option for Google Analytics and therefore related cookies., installing on its own browser opt-out component provided by Google:

Profiling third-party cookie

These cookies depend on use, in our web site, of services provided by external platforms, as:

• The Facebook Like button and social widgets are services allowing interaction with the Facebook social network provided by Facebook, Inc. (“Facebook”)

• Google reCAPTCHA, a service that protect websites from spam and abuse, managed by Google, Inc. (“Google”)

These cookies can be used by operator in order to monitoring and identifying users during navigation, studying web use, even with commercial purposes through targeted and customized services.

Our website does not have control over information provided by cookies associated with mentioned services, nor it can access to collected data.

For authorizing or excluding use of cookies please go to the pages concerning privacy policy of third managers:



Managing of the cookies

The user can decide whether to accept cookies using the settings on your browser.

Attention: total or partial disabling of technical cookies can compromise the site functions reserved for website.
Disabling “third-party” cookies does not affect navigability in any way.

It is possible to define settings specifically for different sites and web applications. Furthermore the best browsers make it possible to define different settings for “proprietary” cookies and third-party ones.

Users can find information about how to manage Cookies in their browser at the following addresses:



Internet Explorer:



Dani Marmi srl - Note Legali